Just Fun to Be with You

Shortly after my wife and I went out for our 31st anniversary. I was trying to put my feelings into a song that would reflect my thoughts of the wonderful time we had that night.
I was thinking of some titles I could use. My first thought was “Better As The Years Go By”, but I eventually settled on “Just Fun To Be With You“. That was the song I developed.
The words and melody came fast and it was in the studio within a few days. Before long the song was complete.
Now here it is for your listening pleasure.
[mp3j track=”http://darrellhansen.com/music/Clips%20in%20Time/Just Fun to Be with You.mp3″ volslider=”y” style=”outline”]
Just Fun to Be with You” is on the “Clips In Time” album.
If you like this song, you may purchase a copy, or the “Clips in Time” album, at one of the links below.

cdbaby iTunes amazon

Enjoy! Darrell.

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